floating policy

英 [ˈfləʊtɪŋ ˈpɒləsi] 美 [ˈfloʊtɪŋ ˈpɑːləsi]




  1. A floating policy is a policy which describes the insurance in general terms, and leaves the name of the ship or ships and other particulars to be defined by subsequent declaration.
  2. Objective To explore the mental health status of the floating population in Fengtai District of Beijing to provide bases for enacting corresponding mental health policy and intervention provision.
  3. Are the inflation-targeting independent central bank and floating currencies the end of history in macroeconomic policy?
  4. The characteristics of environment for urban floating population in a view of public health and its policy implication
  5. So floating rates do make monetary policy more potent than a fixed rate system.
  6. Review and Prospect of the Floating Population Study in China since the Reform and Opening Policy
  7. On Residing Characteristics of Floating Population in Suzhou and the Relating Policies Policy Response
  8. United States, as a typical country with free capital flows and floating exchange rate, its loose monetary policy will bring adverse effects to the other countries.
  9. The Married Floating Women Lived in the Villages of City Health Service Demand and the Policy Analyze& Take Kunming as an Example
  10. Floating policy is of great importance for export trade;
  11. The city of Suzhou supply the maternal health services for floating population in the form of Principal-agent, however, since the implementation of the policy has not achieved the desired results.
  12. James Tobin proposed a tax on foreign exchange transactions to stabilise floating exchange rates and achieve greater national monetary policy autonomy in a world of increasing financial integration.
  13. Thousands of policy proposals are floating around, thanks to the various deficit commissions and policy entrepreneurs.
  14. It is necessary to analyze and study the character of floating population in developed areas, which is of great importance to shape the local economic policy, industry location, management system and so on.
  15. The Effectiveness of Floating Loan Rate Policy: the Market Structure and Policy Shock
  16. However, in the process of China's further financial opening-up, if we directly employ floating exchange rate regime, currency substitution would greatly weaken the independence of monetary policy, which is quite important for China.
  17. With the gradual enforcement of the floating exchange system and the development of market interest mechanism, the stabilization function of the discretional fiscal policy will be gradually weakened.
  18. An Analysis of the Floating Population's Child-bearing Behavior Breaching Family Planning Policy in Guangzhou
  19. The different credit policies of state-owned commercial banks, city commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives under the floating loan rate policy adopted in 2004 are interesting.
  20. The Features of Floating Population and Urbanization Policy in China
  21. Floating population increasing and the people in the countryside entering another distribution among different regions of cities and towns which exert a great influence on traditional social management system of economy and relevant population policy etc.
  22. Finally this paper brings up that construction of low-rented dwellings in floating population compact community should begin from the policy 、 system and planning principle and gradually to be solved based on current problem.
  23. Then it gives some constructive ideas on the basis of the investigation and the analysis of the facts. It tells these children of the floating people, also these public schools how to develop by learning Education policy and administration theory.
  24. Third, analysis of the developed countries and regions in the development of community education and community acceptance of floating children is relevant policy, summarizes relevant experience and measures.
  25. Finally, this paper also improve the "full-body co-ordination type" floating population management system, proposed refinement of the policy recommendations.
  26. The first problem is the continuous rise of the sex ratio of birth, the second is the population management and the family planning of and the service for the floating population, and the third is the prediction of the gross population and policy discussion.
  27. Under the PPP, a country should take floating exchange rate system and price level nailed up monetary policy in order to make the real exchange rate stable.



  1. an insurance policy covering loss of movable property (e.g. jewelry) regardless of its location

      Synonym:    floater